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"We strongly believe in partnering with parents to help incite wonder, provoke discovery, and fuel a passion for the word of God and person of Jesus, in the hearts and minds of our children".  - Levi State


Every lesson we teach will focus on one, if not all five, of the following faith skills. We believe these five skills to be of the utmost importance in the development of a young person's walk with the Lord.  

  1. Navigating their Bible | We say if you want to know God better, you must read His word. We desire to see children develop a love for the word of God. 
  2. Personalize Scripture | We hope that as we partner with you, that your children would begin to identify God's Voice when He speaks to them through His Word. Then to memorize and apply those portions of scripture to real life.
  3. Dialogue With God  | We say that if you want to know God better, you must to talk to Him. Every service we provide opportunities for the children to hear of needs and then pray on the behalf of others.
  4. Share Your Grace Story |  We find it important for children to learn at a young age to recognize when God has been at work in their lives. Not only to see what God has done, but to boldly tell others about the faithfulness and goodness of God! 
  5. Living a Life of Worship | We desire to see our children live their lives fully engaged with God. That what we give them on Sunday would pour over into their everyday!


Children With Special Needs

We want children with special needs to be able to participate in all of our Kingdom Carrier environments (birth-5th grade) each week. Our goal is for every child to be supported, to engage with their peers and feel a sense of belonging through the support of a buddy (aide). 

Every special needs child will have a buddy that will help keep them engaged and be able to give breaks when needed. The ‘buddy’ will help the child stay focused, give them words to look for during the sermon, help keep them quiet, if they seem to need a brain break, they are able to take them to bounce a ball, take a walk, etc. This allows the child to have a new friend, a common face, and to be able to get the breaks that they need to relax and take a break. 

In order to accommodate a child with special needs we require an intake form be completed prior to your visit to Kingdom Carriers. Please complete the Special Needs Inclusion Registration Form (HERE). You will be contacted by our staff once we receive this form, and you will be asked to stay with your child for at least one Sunday so you can help us get to know your child better.


Kingdom Carrier STAFF

(Pictures and Bio's Coming Soon!)



The Jesus Storybook Bible tells the Story beneath all the stories in the Bible. At the center of the Story is a baby, the child upon whom everything will depend. Every story whispers his name. jfcKIDS use this Bible for all lessons taught in our 3-K classroom. We highly encourage each of our children to own this treasure! Cost = $10.



The Big Interactive Bible Storybook is the next step up form The Jesus Storybook Bible (TJSB). It contains all 44 stories found in TJSB plus 102 more in a fun interactive format. We use this in conjunction with a kids NLT for jfcKIDS 1-5th. It like the TJSB connects every story back to Jesus! Cost =$15.